
Hey, there!

Welcome to my little nook in this big place called the world wide web.

My name is Danielle & I’m a photographer.


I’m a lot of other things too…

//dreamer//quirky//collector//explorer//coffee consumer//creator//obsessive tv show watcher//free spirit//nail polish enthusiast//


More importantly to me, I’m a wife & lover of Jesus.

More importantly to you,

I’m a photographer. Ready to kick-butt and capture some pretty cool moments in your life.

A little more about me and my approach to photography:

I’m a total creative// I’m not going to have a list of set poses. I’m not going to stress about silly things. I am going to tell you to interact with your loved one(s). I’m going to ask you questions, make you laugh, and find out what puts a twinkle in your eye. I am going to be inspired by you and capture real moments as they are really happening. I want to tell your story.

I’m inspired// Ever since I was little, I remember getting captivated by things. I would watch a movie, read a book, listen to music, look at a photograph, hear someone’s story and immediately, my mind would get lost in this whole other world. I could imagine things so vividly that I could feel it. That is how I am to this day and that is also how I approach photography. I want to get to know you, I want to know what inspires you, what you love… And then, create images that exude you. Create images with emotion behind them. Images you can feel. Whether that feeling is whimsical & creative, cool & collected, or a whole range in between.

I’m detailed// My eyes are drawn to the little things. Those tiny moments and special details that tend to go unseen or forgotten about. I don’t stop taking pictures just because something “big” isn’t happening. I’m waiting and ready to capture that moment; that smile, that laugh, that little whisper in your ear. The kind of moment you look back on and never want to forget.

Now, let’s get to know you. Send me an email and we’ll chat!


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